Why The Women You Want Most Don't Choose You...

(At least, not until you see this!)

If you’re ready to finally let go of the subconscious patterns, behaviors, and inner-beliefs that instantly drive away the women you're most attracted to, then this message is for you

Have you ever felt undesirableunwanted, or cast aside by women?


If you have, chances are you're:

  • Seeking validation from women...and before you even get to know them - You try so hard to (for example) say the right thing to make her laugh or impress her.
  • Having thoughts like 'there must be something wrong with me' because no matter what you do or what you say, women always find an excuse to get away from you or Friend Zone you.
  • Experiencing thoughts of not being good enough, or being less than every time you see a woman you're really attracted to.
  • Freezing at the thought of approaching women you find attractive.
  • Feeling like you are bothering women every time you want to walk up to them and show interest in them.
  • Feeling hopeless because nothing you try gives you actual results or moves you closer to meeting the woman you want most.


I know this because I used to be in the same position as you.


But, you want to know what the worst part of all this is?


You Are 100% Responsible For All Of This And You Don’t Even Know It.


You are the one who tells women (through your subcommunication) how to treat you.


You are the one rejecting women with your energy that you can’t even see.


You are the one who is rejecting yourself before you even actually approach woman. And it's happening on a subconscious level.


You can feel your body tense up when you are in front of a beautiful woman. You can hear the self-defeating thoughts that come up when you see a woman you want to talk to. You can feel the nervousness and anxiety that comes up and you can’t seem to control it.


What’s Behind All This?


After spending many years working on my own confidence, learning about limiting beliefs, emotional intelligence, hypnosis, and even working for a "pickup artist" company…


I realized that men who struggle the most with women have one major belief that prevents them from getting the women they want.


It's this one:


Women don’t like me because ________.

 (I'm too short, I'm too fat. I'm not confident enough, I'm not handsome enough, I'm not wealthy enough, I'm not cool enough, I'm not good enough, I'm not interesting enough, I’m not masculine enough, etc.)


It all comes from a belief that you’re not ‘something’ enough. And you don’t consciously realize this, but…


That belief that you're not ‘something’ enough comes from a false sense of not deserving of love.


If you don’t believe me, let me ask you this:

  • When was the last time you enjoyed your own company?
  • When was the last time you took yourself out on a nice date and actually had fun by yourself?
  • When was the last time you said to yourself: I truly deserve the best.
  • When was the last time you saw a girl and said…

    "Do I like her?" instead of "Does she like me?"

You see, the secret to getting women to truly desire you, to want to be with you, to want to be by your side…


Comes from a deep belief that you are worthy of beautiful, awesome women.


That you are worthy of love.


But you can only feel worthy when you truly learn to love yourself.


I attended this seminar online and even though I was not there in person, I got value from it.

One of the lessons I received was that it was pointless to have a fantastic woman in your life, a great business or whatever else is considered to be of high value, if you could not love yourself. I never thought of that before. I was just thinking that my fulfillment would come from the objects or persons; not who I was Being.

I learned many new things in this seminar. The biggest lesson I received was how to more effectively release negative emotions. I have been releasing negative emotions for twelve years. It seemed like I had a never ending supply of these lower emotions and I was drained energetically after the releases I had. Brian showed us how to release negative emotions from the more positive emotions. I cannot quite put it into words, but it works and that is all that matters to me. That one lesson alone has saved me tons of time and energy. and was worth the cost of the seminar.

I watched The Fearless Man videos for a couple of years on YouTube before I finally signed up for a seminar. Instead of waiting for years like I did, I would recommend this seminar if you are serious about your personal, emotional and spiritual growth.

Clint (Idaho, USA)

How Learning To Love Myself Completely Transformed My Life

If you were to tell me that the answer to my unhappiness, my lack of passion for life and my never-ending seeking validation from women was learning to love myself… I'd probably laugh in your face or completely ignore you.


I was the guy who was always pushing to get the women, the success, and the things that I most wanted.


I was always working my ass off but falling flat on my face.


It didn’t matter what program I took, what technique I learned, if I memorized the funniest line to impress a girl, or how much I worked on my body language and my tonality to get my sub-communication right… women could feel something was off and they never were attracted or fully trusted me.


I was the guy who depended on energy drinks to get myself out of apathy and depression so I could get through the day. And no matter how hard I worked and pushed my self to work extra hours, I never quite made the amount of money I wanted to.


I eventually reached a point where I was so foggy and miserable that I couldn't function.


And I knew something was seriously wrong because I started to accumulate blood in my throat.


At that point, I didn't care about my business. I didn't care about serving any clients. All I wanted was to take care of me.


I didn't know where my life was going.


Just the thought of not having an income terrified me.


But I decided to close my business and break the lease on my apartment. And I moved in with one of my friends who let me sleep on his couch.


Being at the lowest point of my life, Peter, a good friend of mine introduced me to Chad. 


Chad was known for helping guys like me get out of really depressive and fearful states so they could function in society and have a normal life.


I met with Chad and he started me in the process that would completely change my life - This is where the process I teach in this course originated.


It was during this time that I started to see some very small improvements.


I came out of my depressive state and started to experience a lot of fear. - Chad had told me this would happen.


I made a promise to myself that no matter what happened I wasn't going to stop.


Sometimes I'd cry for an entire day.


Sometimes I'd follow the process that Chad taught me for hours straight.


I didn’t fully understand this process but I'd follow it because it was working.


I was getting lighter and lighter emotionally.


Every time I did what Chad said, I’d get a little bit lighter and a little bit better.


And suddenly I started to have amazing realizations.


I started to reach these amazing bliss states.


I started to feel a lot happier.


I got so happy and so blissful that all these synchronicities started to happen.


Out of nowhere, business opportunities started to come my way.


Out of nowhere, the right people came into my life and my life just started working...without any pushing - it felt magical.


At the time, I didn’t know what I was doing.


In the middle of all the craziness, it was too much for me to realize that…


The whole process I went through was teaching me how to love myself.


Over the years, I have taken the time to break down every part of my journey and turn it into a straight forward, practical, and actionable step-by-step process to overcome a lack of self-love.


When you start to get this, your goals and everything you want in life comes much, much easier.


I’m not talking about some “woo-woo,” new-agey self-love. I’m talking about feeling great about yourself deep down - solid in your own skin as a man...regardless of what’s going on around you.


Regardless of how anyone (especially women) responds to you or any challenges or setbacks you face in life.


I’m talking about the kind of self-love of masculine men who are great with women, highly successful in business or their careers, or are just living adventurous, badass lives…the ones who actually feel fulfilled as they accomplish their goals and live life, at least. (Not the ones who still hate themselves deep down.)


You see, the kind of self-love I’m talking about makes a HUGE difference in how far you go in life, how long it takes you to achieve your goals and make your dreams a reality, how fun and satisfying the journey is, and whether you are actually happy once you get the sex and relationships, success and financial freedom, or life experiences you’re after. 


Masculine self-love is really at the core of all our events, but it’s so important and impactful on its own and so overlooked and misunderstood by men that I wanted to create an event focused specifically on it.


So I want you to open your mind to new ways of thinking about yourself. 

The Biggest Misconceptions About Masculine Self-Love

  1. Love Is Something You Actually FEEL - Not Think About or DO. 

    The biggest mistake people make when it comes to self-love is not understanding it. They think of self-love as a 'thing' they need to do. They think of it as a practice. And yes, that is partially true. You need to develop practices to expand your self-love.  But the very first thing that you need to do is identify what love feels like in your body. Without this very first step, chances are you will make little to no progress.

    Think about the last time you felt love for someone - whether it be for your parents, an ex-girlfriend, or your dog. You don't have to think  to love them. You don't have to do something to show them that you love them. You just feel love for them. You shouldn't have to remind yourself to love yourself. It should be your default state.  It should be a feeling that you can automatically access. 

  2. If You're Loving and Kind, Others Will Take Advantage of You. 

    If you're like I used to be, you probably hold the false belief that kind and loving people get walked all over. And yes, that's partially true. People who have a lot of love for others but are unable to ground themselves and set boundaries from a loving place do get treated like a doormat. That's why learning to have your heart open to connect with people from a grounded place of high self-esteem is crucial. 

    Women often don't realize this consciously, but they want a man who can be loving and express love but do it from a grounded place. They want a man who can set boundaries from a loving place. They want to feel loved  but they also want to feel protected. That's exactly what Masculine self-love is about. 

  3. Loving Yourself Makes You Lazier And Less Productive

    There's a common belief among society that easy-going people are lazy and don't accomplish much in life. But in reality, the opposite is true. When you begin to develop your masculine self-love, you are able to create better structure for your life. You don't force things to happen or push extra hard to achieve a results. When you're happy at the core, your focus and your energy increase, which make you way more productive. 

    Your masculine self-love equals your level of self-trust and self-respect. The more you love yourself in a masculine and grounded way, the less you make excuses. The magical thing about self-love is that you begin to believe so much in yourself that all the resistance to stepping into tension  and out of your comfort zone starts to go away. You automatically move from 'having to do something' to 'choosing to do something'.  This switch is a powerful come-from that makes you much more effective, productive, and magnetic.

The Straight-Forward, Practical, & Actionable Step-By-Step Process You Need To Follow To Overcome Lack of Self-Love

There's no shortage of books and advice on self-love, but the question everyone wants to know is, "How do practically cultivate self-love?"


This is exactly what you're going to learn in these recordings of The FEARLESS Man Live | Masculine Self-Love Edition. This event is designed to help men like you do the necessary deep work, uncover your struggles, and give you clear and actionable advice on how to move to a higher level of true self-esteem.

If you’re ready to eradicate self-doubt and develop the unshakeable confidence to live your best life, then these recordings are exactly that you need. 

Here's What You'll Get In 20 Video Modules... 


How Vulnerability is A Powerful Signal of Self-Love and Makes Women Go Crazy for You

Discover how Eddie, a former student of FEARLESS, was able to completely transform his life applying the teachings that you will find in these recordings. Eddie went from being the nice guy who always begged to get a date to a grounded man who loves himself and is vulnerable with women. You’re going to discover how vulnerability is actually powerful (NOT a weakness) and sexy to women.


The ‘Feeling’ Secret that Makes Women Interested in You

In this module, you'll learn the most important element of seduction. If you are able to master this ‘feeling’ element, you can simply say Hi and women will respond to you. Without this element of ‘feeling’ (that does not require words), it won’t matter what you say. Women will not feel a connection with you.

Practices to Get Out of Your Head and Be More Connected to Your Self-Love

In this video, you'll learn why women are instantly repelled by men who are in their heads. You'll get simple practices to help you identify what it actually feels like to be in your head vs being in your body (where the feeling of self-love actually resides). Women are designed to want to be around guys who are deeply grounded in their self-love.

Why is Love Such A Powerful and Transformative Force?


In this module, Brian will read a powerful passage on the topic of love. This passage describes how Lester Levenson (the man who discovered releasing, aka letting go) was able to go from a dying man to a man who was fulfilled in every possible way. Once you understand love at the core, you will have the same ability to transform every part of your life.

The Concept of Self Love That Almost Everyone Gets Wrong

In this video, you'll learn the reason a lot of people almost never make progress to express and receive love from the world. Love is a powerful force that can create a strong connection with women and strangers when you do it right. This module will give you the mindset you need to make love work in your favor.

The Fail-Proof Process That Will Help You Cultivate Self-Love Without Forcing It


In this module, you’ll learn the process that myself, the FEARLESS staff, and every advanced student has used to cultivate high levels of self-love, self-esteem, and happiness. The process is actually pretty easy to follow. This is the process that you will using to get yourself out of depression, apathy, fear, anxiety and move towards courage, peace and love.

The BIG Mistake That People Make When They First Learn About Cultivating Love


In this video you’ll learn about the BIG mistake that a lot of people make when they are learning to cultivate self-love. Without this step, you will remain stuck and your progress will be very slow. Even some advanced students forget this step.

Detailed Break Down of Connecting with a Woman


In this module, you’ll see first-hand how to drop into your heart when you are talking to women. This will automatically create a connection with them when you do it from a grounded place. You’ll see the subtleties that most women unconsciously pick up from you that tell them how to treat you. Once you have the awareness, you’ll be able to adjust in the moment and make the connection with women happen more effortlessly.

How to Eliminate Any Resistance So You Can Practice What You’re Learning Right Away

In this module you’ll learn the mindset that you need to adopt around practicing what you’re learning in this course. A lot of people understand things logically, but when it comes to actually applying it, they hold themselves back. Reframing how you see practice can eliminate the resistance towards it.

The ‘Subtle Things’ That Women Pay Attention to When You Approach Them


In this module, you’ll learn why women don’t respond to what you say, but how you say it. You’ll learn how women are able to differentiate when a man is speaking from a grounded and loving place rather that his head. You’ll also have access to another breakdown of model work with a student.

The ‘Subtle Things’ That Women Pay Attention to When You Approach Them


In this module, you’ll learn why women don’t respond to what you say, but how you say it. You’ll learn how women are able to differentiate when a man is speaking from a grounded and loving place rather that his head. You’ll also have access to another breakdown of model work with a student.

How Sam, One of Our Coaches, Was Able to Cultivate The Love That His Mother Never Gave Him

In this module, you’ll hear Sam talk about how he was able give himself the love his mother never gave him. Most of the time, even parents don’t understand what real love is. Most parents give their children conditional love (be a good boy and I can love you). Sam’s talk will give you insights of how you can begin to love yourself the way your parents should have loved you.

The Psychology Behind Self-Love That Only Successful People Understand


In this module, you’ll learn why most people are not able to cultivate self-love and attract the things they most desire with ease. The process that most people follow to get the things they want is broken. That’s why they never actually get results. Understanding this simple concept will help you approach things differently and see results very fast.

The Reason You Need Both: Feminine Self-Love & Masculine Self-Love and How They Work Together

In this module, you will learn the subtle difference between Feminine Self-Love and Masculine Self-Love. In order to create amazing relationships, you need access to both. Most men are very familiar with the concept of feminine self-love. However, without you cultivating your masculine self-love, women will eventually walk away from you.

The Importance of Understanding Where in the Emotional Scale Are You

In this module, you’ll learn about the different emotions and where they land on the emotional chart. Every emotion has a certain vibration. Understanding these emotions is critical. Each emotion has a certain feeling to it. Learning to ride your emotions like waves will give you the power to control them and use them to your advantage in every situation.

A Quick Simple Process To Develop A New Relationship To Love

In this module, you’ll learn a simple practice that you can start using right away to change your relationship to love. One of the biggest obstacles people have when it comes to self-love is that they have massive resistance to it. This simple yet effective practice will open you up and make this process of loving yourself fun and effective.

Guided Meditation to Help You Tap Into Deeper Aspects of Your Self-Love.


In this module, you’ll be guided through a meditation to help you access your higher self. There are two versions of the self that you have access to: the physical self and the energetic self. The energetic self is where all your unlimited self-love resides. The more you can identify with the energetic self, the easier it is to let go of all the fears and attachments that are preventing you from accessing your self-love.

The Very First Step You Must Take to Start Cultivating Self Love

In this module, you’ll learn the very first step you need to take in order to start accessing love. Unlike most people who think of love as a concept, this exercise will get you in touch with the actual feeling of love. The more you can ‘feel’ love the easier it is going to be for you to access it at will and make it your default state.

Guided Meditation To Help You Open Your Heart and Ground It


In this module, you’ll be guided through a meditation that will help you connect your heart with your grounding. Most guys don’t know how to be loving and express their emotions from a grounded and masculine place. This meditation is designed to help you open your heart and ground it so you can connect with women emotionally and spark sexual attraction.

The Revealing Process That Will Help You Transmute Fear, Anxiety, Anger into Love


In this module, you’ll learn more about the Revealing Process and how you can use it to transmute any of the lower emotions into love. This is the same process that I teach in my advanced workshops. If you have trouble letting go of fear, anxiety, doubt, and anger, this video will give you the tools so you can start letting those go and welcoming more love into your life.

Guided Mediation to Help You Transmute Fear, Anxiety and Anger into Love


In this module, you’ll be guided through a meditation to help you transmute the lower emotions into love. This is what gets people to shift really fast. Most people only understand love logically. But following this mediation will get you to experience the actual feeling of love and use it to eliminate all your past traumas and your attachment to negative emotions.


Is This Program Right For YOU? 

This is for you if...

  • You tend to be hard on yourself...

  • You often feel or think that there's something wrong with you or broken about you...

  • You struggle with destructive thoughts or actions...

  • You experience feelings of being less than, not being good enough, or being unworthy...

  • You seek approval and validation from others...

  • You struggle with "imposter syndrome" or fear of being called out for being a fraud...

  • You experience apathy, depression, or low self-esteem...

  • You struggle with anxiety, guilt and/or shame...

  • You often feel lonely..

  • You ask yourself, "What's wrong with me?"

  • You feel life is moving slow or you aren't growing

  • You hate yourself and your body...

...if you said yes to even one of the statements above, understand that you'll never be able to experience your "best life" until you resolve the issue you are struggling with: loving yourself unconditionally.

Most men (and women) make the mistake of thinking self-love is a "woo-woo" waste of time. But it's actually crucial to your connection to your masculine capacity...and what it is to be a man.


Your capacity to handle the daily tensions of life and your ability to step into and through the uncomfortable boils down to who you are. Who you are in that moment all comes from self-love and how you feel in your own skin.


To love yourself is to have a deeper understanding of yourself, to accept yourself, to take care of you - mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally - so that you can experience a happier and more fulfilling life.

But don't take my word on it, here is what my students had to say about what they got from this workshop....

Hi, I’m Christian, I attended the Masculine Self Love seminar a few weeks ago,

The seminar helped me understand my emotions in a very methodical and step-by-step way. Before the seminar, I just didn’t know how to handle my own anxiety or understand the effect my emotional energy had in other people. There were powerful moments about self-liberation by getting rid of our own engraved stories, stories of sadness and unresolved issues that we had grown up with, and we weren’t even aware we had.


Thanks to Brian I was able to not only understand, but assess, in a practical manner, my own emotional state. Go as down and deep as I needed to liberate myself of painful thoughts and events, I had years ago , keeping me away from growing. There’s no shortcut for this, you have to live it to grow away from those old chains – perceived thoughts about who you are and what you are capable of – in order to release yourself from such learned behaviors.


If you feel stuck in your life, (doesn’t matter if it’s work, love, or relationships), you need to attend this event! It WILL give you a new perspective.

(Christian, California, USA)

My name is Angad and I'm from The Netherlands. 


Since I live in The Netherlands there was like an 8 hour difference and it would be too late for me to watch the whole seminar, since I had work the next morning. However, the talks still had an impact on me. I got more in touch with my needs and desires and understood that in order to live a more fulfilling, loving and peaceful life, you need to take care of yourself first. 


I think people should work with you guys, because I feel Fearless really works deeper than other companies do. For instance talking more about how to work with energy to get what you want, instead of techniques (superficial stuff). All of your speakers on the channel also talk in a very down to earth way, which makes the message more trustworthy and easier to apply. 


I want to thank you guys for the value you provided me with. Keep on going!

Angad (Netherlands)

How Is This Different? 

Before you decide whether this program is right for you or not, I want to tell you about the differences between this and most programs, books, and articles on the topic out there. 


Reason #1: The BIGGEST difference is that this is a FEELING based process.


Unlike most programs that focus on the logical understanding of self-love, this is a series of practical teachings you can apply and see results with right away.  Let me ask you this, what's the most effective way to learn how to ride a bicycle? It is by reading about it? Or by actually getting on the bicycle and learning to balance?  We are designed to learn from experience. That's why this program and all of my programs are experiential, so you can get the actual feeling of loving yourself. 


Reason #2: How to Connect Your Masculinity to Your Self-Love. 

This is something that has taken me years to put together. Connecting your masculinity with self-love is the ultimate recipe for becoming a highly attractive man. If you think of any masculine movie character, you'll notice that the most attractive personalities have a combination of two things: 1) They are grounded and Masculine and 2) They are vulnerable (express their emotions). That's exactly what you'll learn in these recordings: how to open your heart, keep it open, and connect it to your grounding. 


Reason #3: Guided Meditations That Are Designed To Shift The Unconscious Mind. 

Most of the meditations and practices out there to develop self0love are surface level. They don't get to the root of the problem. In this program, you'll find powerful guided meditations that are designed to help you release the traumas and all of your heavy ("negative") emotions. They will then be replaced with lighter emotions. Very few people in the self-development world have a solid of knowledge of how emotions affect the sub-conscious mind. 


Again, here's a recap of what you'll be learning:

  • Why self-love is crucial for your dating life and relationships - if you don't love yourself - if you don't feel really good about yourself deep down - or think you are worthy, then why would women or your partner think you are worthy?
  • How lack of self-love is what holding you back from everything that you want 
  • Guided releasing (emotional processing, strength-building, and healing) using the Revealing Process - designed to help you identify your limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging thoughts and behaviors, and eliminate them
  • How to build unshakable self-confidence and self-trust whether it's with women, building a business, negotiating a raise, sale, or partnership, and much more
  • Feeling fulfilled and how to deal with the never-ending desire to achieve "more" or "do more"
  • Becoming self-reliant, validating yourself instead of needing validation from others
  • Eliminating self-sabotage for good
  • Building the self-trust to know that you can handle it, whatever life throws at you
  • How to get "turned on" for your life
  • Grounding
  • How to stop depriving yourself from going for what you want
  • Accelerating your growth

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If after buying the recordings, you don’t feel that you’re getting enough value from the program, just let us know that it’s not for you and we will refund you, no questions asked.


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..I feel equipped with the knowledge, with the experience to deal with [situations I find myself in]...

Brian ( Germany)

...what I love best about Brian's work is how he addresses the root of the problems we as men have with dating, career or life in general...

Heiko (Germany)

My name is Alan, my journey with fearless has been a long one and I can honestly say I am making changes to becoming a better version of myself. Even a couple of months ago, I would have not been as expressive as I am now.

The most recent experience which was The Masculine Self Love Workshop spoke to me in a way that I have been wanting to hear without ever realizing I needed to hear those words and something that still sticks with me are the words “you can handle it.” Each experience seems to move me towards more and more action even when it terrifies more than I can put into words. I don’t know where I would be without fearless and am looking forward to more and more content and eventually attending an experience intensive. Brain and this company are doing amazing work.

Alan (Arizona, USA)

Hi my name is Jens, I live in Denmark. I have done THE FEARLESS Man Live | Masculine Self-Love seminar and it has left a massive impact on me. It has helped me let go of some of the fears and believes that used to hold me back. I did not get a quick fix, but a giant leap forward towards my goals of being free from fear and the other feelings that have been holding me back.


I recommend the FEARLESS Man to all, who would like to improve their life, and to let go of what is holding you back.

Jens (Denmark)

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If after buying the recordings, you don’t feel that you’re getting enough value from the program, just let us know that it’s not for you and we will refund you, no questions asked.


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